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3 Days Offline

3 Days Offline

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Every now and again, it’s good to drop out and tune in.
And in Goleta, springtime is the right time.
It’s the time that the winds are blowing out the surf and the hills are green.

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And the creeks are flowing.

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One of the things that makes Goleta such a special place is that we have the beach in our front
yard, and a wilderness area out back. We popped over to the Manzana River with some friends
and family for a few days of rustic relaxation and got back to basics.

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No email, no cellphones, no texting, no traffic, no hassles.
Just simple survival and the lost art of conversation.
Boring? Actually, quite the opposite.

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A renewed appreciation for the simplest  things.

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And a reminder we may not be at the top of the food chain all the time.

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The window for a pleasurable camping experience in our back country is relatively short,
if you want to avoid extreme heat, dry creeks and overwhelming insects.
So when it’s good, you gotta get on it, pronto.

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In the warmth of an early spring day, sometimes the best trail is the creek bed.

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This guy thinks so…

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Getting ready for a big night involves a little hard work.

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But when you get back home, all your daily routines seem so nice and easy.
For a little while, at least.

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But when you get back home, all your daily routines seem so nice and easy.
For a little while, at least.

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